O-Spot Enhancement Treatment in Pune

O-Spot Enhancement

Everything You Need to Know About O-Spot Enhancement


There are several situations where partners are suffering from several disorders that further lead to dissatisfaction in their sexual life. Well, this can happen due to the occurrence of vaginal dryness, atrophy, dryness, or lack of sensation; furthermore, aging can also lead to several issues health issues and makes it quite hard to enjoy sexual intercourse between partners.

But do you know? With the help of a simple injection, you can cure this problem and feel the best sensations with your partner. Yes, you heard right; several people who facesexual dysfunction can get back to a normal life.

The advancement of new things now a day’s made this possible. Apart from improving the pleasures of orgasm, the injection can also provide other benefits such as treating stem embarrassing urine leaks and healing itching on or around your vaginal tissues. Typically, this injection is known as O-spot.

What is O-spot?

The O-spot or Orgasm spot is an injection containing platelet-rich plasma (PRP) which is directly injected into the intimate area or vagina. Moreover, there are several definitions of this 一for instance, a famous researcher Dr. Carolyn DeLucia of VSPOT Women’s Intimate Health Spa in New York City, defines O-spot as a form of treatment that claims to boost females’ sexual health and experience. She also claimed vagina is treated with the help of platelet-rich plasma (PRP).

So let’s discuss PRP first to understand O-spot elaborately.


Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a form of an injection that contains a patient’s own concentrated platelet-rich plasma. The injections aim to heal the wounded areas. So, once they are extracted, they are reinjected back to the wounded areas or the areas that need healing.

There were several types of research on the functioning of the PRP, but researchers still have to go a long way to have complete insights into PRP treatment. It is believed that plasma palates contain restorative and healing property that helps the body to get back to its usual position and treat wounds. It was also concluded that the plasma contains more than 35 different healing substances or growth factors that give positive restorative results.

PRP has been beneficial to treating injuries in athletes due to sports injuries such as tendon or ligament rupture or tear and helps to quickly heal from surgery. Nowadays, it is also used for treating an array of medical conditions.

What are the benefits of using O-spot?

The famous searchers mainly suggest s the mind-blowing orgasm restoration as the main benefit of O-spot. It mainly focuses on the improvement of the sexual functionality of a woman’s genital. It also provides benefits like restoring the vaginal sensation, increasing sexual functionality, and more.

Some other basic benefits that the o-spot treatment provides include:

Book an appointment with our experts to discuss O-spot enhancement or dilemmas in sexual life.

How the O-spot is performed?

While treating with the O-spot therapy, the doctor can collect the PRP from the patient’s body itself. The PRP can be collected from the patient’s arm. Furthermore, the blood will be mixed with a centrifuge to further separate the PRP, platelet-rich plasma components from the blood cells. Once the PRP is ready, the doctor will process the injecting procedure. The injections can be provided in various parts of the patient’s body, including the clitoris and inner vaginal walls.

After injecting, the patient will be set free and can start their regular activities. Unlike other treatments, the patient will not be further restricted in participating in sexual intercourse activity.

Moreover, some people may feel a sense of fullness around the vaginal part which normally dissolves within 1-3 days. In addition, the FDA has agreed on the usage of PRP to improve sexual health and relationship among couples.

What is the Recovery procedure of O-spot?

The recovery from O-spot therapy can vary from person to person, starting from the first day of o-spot enhancement. For instance, age, medical conditions, and hormonal problems can determine the recovery rate. Unlike other treatments, the recovery is quicker, and the results can be observed either instantly or might improve in a week.

Patients will witness the following positive outcomes.

What is the O-spot Cost?

As only the PRP-based o-spot procedures are approved, and all other o-spot procedures are not approved by FDA; hence it does not provide any health insurance. The cost further depends on where you are getting this procedure. Most famous O-spot providers have a $1,200 to $2,500 price range.

How successful is the O-spot?

Several types of research provided that many women receiving the O-spot treatment have a positive outcome with improved orgasm experience. The results also further stated that it provided a huge benefit in treating incontinence. Furthermore, there is no full-proof evidence that it gives a promising or consistent result.

Furthermore, several studies were also made to check whether the PRP can help provide relief from inflammation related to transvaginal mesh. Still, those were also not prominent and were unclear.

Therefore, no prominent success rate can be concluded in using O-spot enhancement therapy.