Stress Urinary Incontinence Treatment in Pune
Stress Urinary Incontinence?
Everything You Need to Know About Stress Urinary Incontinence?
What is Stress Urinary Incontinence?
Stress Urinary inconsistency is the most common type of urinary incontinence. In this stage, the urine starts to leak out because the sphincter muscles in the bladder and urethra cannot hold the sudden urine pressure, resulting in the sphincter muscles opening briefly.
The SUI can occur in the split second of performing physical activity that increases abdominal pressure, like coughing, sneezing, laughing, or exercising. A person can also face a leak when stand
What are the symptoms of SUI?
When a person has stress incontinence, they may leak urine under the following circumstances:
- Cough or sternutation
- Laughing loudly
- Crouching or kneeling
- Holding heavy objects
- Performing exercise or Gymnastics
- During Intercourse
This condition is different in terms of every individual. A person in SUI may not always experience incontinence. Still, several activities lead to the growing pressure on your bladder, making a person prone to unintentional urine leaks, especially when the bladder is full.
What happens in Stress Urinary Incontinence?
Stress Urinary Incontinence mainly occurs in a person when the sphincter muscles and tissues supporting the urethra are damaged. In this process, the bladder functionalizes normally, and the bladder also gets full of urine.
Normally in women, the valve-like muscles present in the pelvic floor muscles, commonly known as the urethra, include the short tube that further carries urine out of your body, close as the bladder expands, preventing urine leakage until and after you try to bring that out. Furthermore, when these muscles get damaged or become feeble, anything that provides a force on the abdominal and pelvic muscles due to sneezing, bending over, lifting, or laughing hard, can lead to a bladder leak.
The pelvic floor muscles, urethra, and urinary sphincter may overlook strength due to the following reasons:
- Childbirth- In women, childbirth exerts extra expansive pressure on the sphinter muscles, urethra, and pelvic floor. Therefore, a woman may face this problem after a year or a few months after the delivery.
- Prostate surgery-In men, SUI is not so common. It is caused when the prostate gland to treat prostate cancer (prostatectomy) is surgically removed, which causes stress incontinence disorder. Prostrate removal can destroy the sphincter because the sphincter lies just below the prostate gland and circumscribe the urethra.
Other common factors that can lead to the SUI disorder are:
- Pregnancy can positively cause SUI.
- Obesity may cause SUI.
- Smoking, causing severe coughing, can also lead to this disorder.
- Medications that have SUI as one of the side effects.
- Excess beverage consumption may also cause SUI.
- Constipation may contribute to SUI among individuals.
When to consider a doctor?
Several believe there is no SUI treatment. But it’s false; though aging makes a person prone to SUI, it is treatable, and leakages can be reduced or controlled. If you find that inconsistency has increased and incontinence is disrupting your daily life, you can consult with your expert doctors. Your doctor can further provide a wide range of options for treating SUI.
How is SUI diagnosed?
To start the diagnosis of the SUI disorder, you must first talk with your doctor about your medical past, consumption habits, and bladder control issues. Furthermore, your doctor can perform several examinations to get an idea about your health condition. The tests that your doctor will perform are further listed below:
In the physical examination, your doctor will search for the presence of any kind of abnormality leading to incontinence. He will examine a woman’s pelvic floor or check a man’s prostate to check his condition.
Your doctor will ask for urinal samples to examine the components and presence of blood or puss cells. This process of examination is called a urinalysis.
In this process, the bladder is examined with an ultrasound to understand the emptying ability of your bladder in a non-invasive way. This is performed with the help of sound waves, and it causes zero pain.
It is more similar to a cough-related test where the doctor tries to find out if urine leakage occurance at the time of coughing.
When a thin tube with a camera attached to it is entered into the urethra or bladder(to find a closer look), it is called Cystoscopy. It helps the doctor look closely at the interior part of the body.
This is a vital test performed by the doctor to understand the capacity of the bladder to hold and the condition of your sphincter muscles, and how good or bad it is working.
Your doctor can further provide you with a pad to retain the urine. Also, the amount of urine will determine the stage of SUI disorder.
What is the Treatment of SUI?
Several methods can be performed to treat SUI disorder among individuals. The lists of treatments are :
Behavioral therapy includes the rejection of the bad habits of your life. In simple terms, living a healthy life can be an efficient treatment for SUI. For example, if you are into nicotine, your bladder can have issues in continence. Plus, if you are excessively fat, your doctor might suggest losing weight to relieve extra pressure on the bladder that might cause SUI.
For women, strengthening the pelvic muscle can help treat incontinence. Kegel exercises and electrical stimulation are some common treatments for pelvic muscle training.
Typically there are no specific FDA-approved medications that can help you treat stress incontinence. Moreover, consuming oral and topical estrogen supplements with pseudoephedrine can be helpful to some extent.
If you have serious SUI issues, the doctor may suggest stress urinary continence surgery to repair your vagina and help the bladder and urethra prevent incontinence. Also, your urologist may choose to directly inject collagen into the supportive tissues of the urethra to increase the strength of the urethra and increase the strength of the sphincter muscle.
According to research, about one-third of women above 60 leaks urine, and about half of women aged 65-70 have incontinence issues. Book an appointment to deal with your incontinence issues.